Thursday, March 19, 2009

Do Vitamins Work?

I've been thinking about vitamins this morning. I take one every day and haven't been sick in about a year and a half. Although correlation does not equal causation, I feel somewhat vindicated in my vitamin intake. With some doubt, I decided to do some research.

I simply searched Google for articles related to the benefits, or drawbacks, to taking vitamins. I found some interesting information.

An article written by Katherine Hobson for outlines this subject fairly well. There's a link here. She talks about how multivitamins, like I take every day are a good insurance policy and potential catch all for supplementing nutrients people may be lacking in their every day diet.

The point I found the most useful was that people who take vitamins tend to be they type that exercise, eat more healthy, and avoid unhealthy behavior to begin with. I make an attempt at all the above. The cause of the health may have more to do with lifestyle than popping a pill every morning. Just as "researchers" concluded, I feel the same. Lifestyle has more to do with health, especially long term, than simply taking a multivitamin.

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