Friday, September 26, 2008

Economy and SaaS

As the economy has taken a tumble recently, many sectors are seeing a decrease in business. Financial stress, and the negative "wealth effect," has curtailed consumer spending. This means less revenue for businesses. A year ago, companies were looking for ways to increase revenue. How can we sell more? How can we make more money? Today companies are looking for ways to decrease costs, because revenues are no longer increasing. A big way to do this is to automate systems and processes.

The great thing about SaaS (Software as a Service) is it does both. does both. By automating e mail campaigns, dialer processes, and providing many more productivity tools, they are growing at a phenomenal rate, even during this down economy.

Integrations with and other leading software providers have given the position to be a market leader in a fairly short period of time. Their line of power tools has already provided a number of organizations with a 400% increase in year over year revenue, while decreasing costs and increasing sales.

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